Wedding Photoshop Presets



Product Overview

This Photoshop Preset pack contains 51 Photoshop presets made to enhance, correct or dramatically change your wedding photography. From simple color correction, to vintage looks, to overhauling the feel of the photo, these presets can either take a boring shot and make it great, or provide a great starting point in Lightroom for more corrections.

More Presets Samples

Includes over 50 presets for wedding photography, compatible with Lightroom 5 and newer.

"Outdoor Film"

"B&W Classic"

"Outdoor Cool + Contrast"

"Tint Mauve"

"Outdoor Sunny"

"Outdoor Cold + Detail"

"B&W Complexify"

"Tint Autumn"

"Indoor Cool + Bright"


Wedding Photoshop Presets




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