The stories behind my photos
In this new SERIES, I will show you as a LIGHTROOM user how to ADD RAIN to your photo using PHOTOSHOP, even if you are an absolute BEGINNER.
Get the FREE brushes here:
How to turn a Tuscany photo into an amazing watercolor painting!
Here is the brushes:
Let's retouch the skin of portrait photos with the new AI features of Photoshop.
PLEASE FOLLOW THIS NEW CHANNEL RIGHT NOW - there will be a lot of videos here this week! :)
In this video we will blend exposures in Photoshop to get an amazing photo from Iceland! Hope you like it
...In this new SERIES, I will show you as a LIGHTROOM user how to change the SKY with REFLECTIONS using PHOTOSHOP, even if you are an absolute BEGINNER.
Get my FREE book here: https://www.photosergeacad...
In this video we compare different retouching software and pick which one is the best for HDR photography.
Get your FREE Toolbox here: ...
How to find a composition in a crowded city and get amazing dramatic photos.
Learn how to edit like a PRO in Lightroom with my Latest book; just pay shipping and handling:
Full workflow in Lightroom 2023 to retouch a cityscape Learn how to edit like a PRO in Lightroom with my Latest book; just pay shipping and handling:
Find Yo...
Learn how to edit like a PRO in Lightroom with my Latest book; pay shipping and handling: In this video, I will show you how you can take 10 Breathtaking photo...
One of the first Short movies ever shot on Leica q3 8k
Get this 196 page Ebook Photography Essential for free here:
When I got t...
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