Add Rain & Water Effects Quickly in Photoshop

Photoshop Brushes: Rain & Splashes



Product Overview

This package includes my 20 Photoshop Brushes for creating rain, splashes & puddles. Photoshop Brushes are a fun and easy way to get creative with your photo & add special effects. My rain brushes are designed to simply select the brush and start adding in water effects to enhance your landscape photo or composition.

I find that a lot of automatic ways of creating weather effects fall short (motion blur noise for rain, render fibers & levels for snow, etc.) and don’t give it the impact or emotion I usually want in my photos. These are the brushes I use to add a little extra flare to my photos or get creative and make something dramatic. I hope you enjoy them!


Before & Afters

The following before and afters samples were made with these brushes & some retouching (the clouds are from the PHOTOSHOP BRUSHES: CLOUDS & SKIES package).

Photoshop Brushes: Rain & Splashes Preview


50% Complete

Two Step

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