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The stories behind my photos

Pont Neuf, Paris

Nov 20, 2020

I love this bridge, this must be the 15272725383 time that I take it in photo but it is just so pretty! Which one is your favorite bridge?

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Clearwater beach, FL

Oct 12, 2020

Clearwater beach is one of the nicest beach I have seen, the sand is so white and the pier is pretty cool! I love to shoot there and catch the sunset :-) have you ever been there?

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Venice, Italy

Oct 10, 2020

I love this place, it is always a magical experience, there is no other place like Venice! Found this street light and this little bridge looked amazing at blue hour! What do you think?

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Place de la Concorde, Paris

Jul 28, 2020

This is such an incredible place in Paris, very aesthetic! It was hard for me to find a good angle because the place is just so big but I love to have the fountain as the foreground element, what do y...

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TrocadƩro, Paris

Jul 09, 2020

This an oldie but a goodie, the sky was just incredible and I love the composition with the statue and the Eiffel Tower I think it works well :-) what do you think?

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Yosemite, waterfall

Jun 15, 2020

I love this place very much, such an incredible view, I was very inspired by Ansel Adams and I kept on going there, every time I am breathless! Have you ever been!

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